- The Panopticon- Jere
my Benthams 1791
- Michael Foucault (1926-198
Madness & Civilisation (book by Foucault)
- Village idiot's used to be laughed/with not outcasts, late 1600's this changed..
- 'Houses of correction' - to curb unemployment + idleness, criminals
This didn't work and the criminals affected the non criminals and so on
- Birth of the Asylum - patients split up so cant influence one another
- The emergance of knowledge/ Doctors + Physciatrists seen as 'gods'
- End of the pillory/ guillotine/ hung drawn and quartered, not physical punishment anymore, now modern discipline, keep u
s under
survallience, improve ourselves
- Millbank prison (modern prison) opposite of dungens where the person is shut away/hidden/forgotten
- Panopticon - always being watched/reforms them/ self regulation through fear of being watched
- No panoptic prisons any more as see
n as torture
- Modern panopticism = open plan offices / The office
- Factories with balconys
- Security cameras
- Google streets/ strange things on here car on fire
- Pentonville prison
- Brotherton Library
- CCTV panoptic gaze
- Archive of looked at websites, emails on computers
- Guy arrested for terrorist activity from his list of website history
- Docile bodies - easy to control/ controllable to surveyor/ self monitoring
- Gym is panoptic

- TV - very panoptic
- "Where there is power, there is resistance" Foucault
- Resistance vs. submission
- Men watch women, women watch themselves being looked at.
- Facebook - EXTREMELY panoptic
- Bruce Nauman (1960's) video corridor pieces
- Art gallery = Institution
- Chris Burden - Samson (1985)
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