-What is culture? complicated
word in our language to define
-Definition- general process of spiritual and aesthetic development of a particular society at a particular time.
-Particular way of life
-Works of intellectual and especially artistic significance
- Marx's concept of Base / Superstructure (communist manifesto)
-Base -Determine content + form of- Superstructure
-Superstructure -Reflects form of + legitimizes- Base
-Ideology - 1) system of ideas/b
eliefs, 2) distortion/selection of ideas (propaganda)
-Pyramid of Capitalist system
Bourgeoisie/Bourgois - working class
-Marx 'ruling class controls/ dominates culture'
-Definitions - 'popular'
-Well liked by many
-Inferior kinds of work (mass not kitch)
-Work deliberately setting out to win favour with the people
-Culture actually made for people for themselves: made by people for people
-High culture- famous painting, popular culture-making copies, paint by numbers
-High culture-Banksy piece, Popular culture-Graffitti
-Industrialisation brought separation of class.
-Traditional vs. Popular culture
-Culture and anarchy, Matthew Arnold (1867)
-Culture-study of perfection
-"best that has been thought and said in the world"
-pursuit of culture
-seeks "to minister the diseased spirit of our time"
-Culture polices 'the raw and uncultivated masses'
-Uncultured should strive to be like cultured not create their own culture
-F.R. Leavis + Q.D. Leavis = Leavisism
-20th Century sees cultural deadline
-Collapse of traditional authority comes at the same time as mass democracy
-Popular culture-books, films, advertising
-Frankfurt school- Critical Theory, institute social research, uni of frankfurt, 1923-33

-Rise of national socialism
-New York 1933-47
-Adorno, Horkheimer, reinterpreted Marx for 20th C (late capitalism)
-All mass culture is identical
-Homogeneity + Predictability
-Conformity not anarchy
-Herbert Marcuse, Depoliticises working class
-Che Guevar t shirt
- X Factor/Big Brother= way to success is join in gameshow instead of education
-Authentic (real, european) culture vs. mass culture
-Imagination, Autonomous
-Adorno 'On popular music'
-Walter Benjamin-Work of art of mechanical reproduction (1936)
-Concept of 'aura'
-Mona Lisa - dont know what it means socially but we know its important
-Challenges high culture, when appears on t shirts books plates
-Birmingham school
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