Sunday, 21 February 2010

Lecture 6

Introducing Postmodernism

-Postmodernism-Not serious/pokes fun at/exhaustion/pessimision/pluralism/dissilusionist



-Jean Tinguely-"Homage to New York" 1960 - performed in the Sculpture garden, museum of modern art in new york, self destroying mechanism

Friday, 19 February 2010

Lecture 5

The Document

-Photography (objective) as recording/showing the world/stepping in (capture the world)
-Represent reality with viewer
-Palestine 2000
-Rwanda 1
-Sudan 1992 (explicit/shows the horror)
-Neutral/shouldn't be this way, photographer always influences
-William Edward Kilburn (1848)-"The great chartist meeting at the common"-seemingly neutral photo, had a reason to shoot this way
-Rodger Fenton (1855)-"Into the valley of the shadow of death
-Decisive moment-photography achieves its highest distinction reflecting... Henri Cartier Bresson
-Jacob Riis (1888)-"Bandits Roost"-they are looking at the photographer not authentic documentary/realistic set up
-A growler gang in session
-Lewis Hine-"Russian steel workers" (1908)/"Child laborers in glassworks, Indiana"
-FSA photographer (1935-44) (farm security administrator)

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-Political propaganda/"shooting script"
-Margaret Bourke-White "sharecropperse home" (1937)
-Russel Lee-"Interior of a black farmers house" (1939)
-Dorothea Lange-"Migrant mother" (1936)
-Walker Evans
-Robert Frank, 1888
-Carl Dammann (1870-1)
-"Burdens of representation" book
-Cesare Lombroso-"Portrait of melancholy","Portraits of Italian and German criminals"(1889)
-Robert Capa-Normandy, France (1945)/war photography/conflict
-Magnum group (1947)
-"Accidental Napalm Attack (1972)

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-Don McCullin-"Shell shocked soldier" (1968)/McCullin was banned from the Faulklands as they didn't want people to know the reality of what happened there
-Robert Haeberle-"Massacre" (1969)/apart of it, but can't change it)
-William Klein-"St. Patricks Day, 5th Ave" (1954-55)
-Bernd and Hilla Becher-conceptual art
-Richard Long-"A long line and tracks in Bolivia" (1981)
-Critical realism-Berlot Brecht (1931)
-Fish story (book)/Theory of the novel
-Andreas Gursky,-"99 cent" (1999)
-Jeff Wall-"Dead troops talk" (1992)

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-Gillian Wearing-"Signs that say what you want them to say" (1992-3)
-Jeremy Deller-"The Battle of Orgreave" (2001)
-John Harris

Monday, 15 February 2010

Lecture 4

The Mass Media and Society

Hypermedia-Interlinking media texts on an online document

-Marshall McLuhan-Tried to theorise new digital age/how it affects us (60's/70's)
-"Age of print" began 1450 (Gutenberg printing press)
-E-Book (reader allowed more power) to replace written printed book?
-Death of the author
-Lost in knowledge/internet through hypertext

-Mass media-negative/positive

-viewing figures/measure success
-audience is dispersed/disempowered
-encourages the status quo

-social problems
-injustices are discussed
-high art material reaches broader audience

-Art in the age of mass media-John.A Walker
-Modern art in the common culture-Thomas Crow
-Tony Abruzzo
-Eat, therefore I am-Warhol
-Anti-Art-celeb masks-Warhol's Marilyn's (1962)
-Warhol-Ambulance disaster (1963)
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-Repetitiveness in the media-desensitises us
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-Myra (Hindley) (1995)-Marcus Harvey-sensation exhibition (intimate relationship)

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Thursday, 11 February 2010

Lecture 3

Advertising, Publicity and the Media

-Times square, New York/Mass advertising/Advertising invades
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-Life is governed by what we own/consume
-Commodity culture-construct our identities through the consumer products that inhabit our lives
-'The commodity shelf' Stewart Ewan
-'Decoding advertisements' Judith Williamson
-Should be identified by what we produce not what we consume
-Symbolic Associations-life will be better if you buy their product/tricked into thinking that the product will make you more attractive to the opposite sex
-Aesthetic innovation
-Planned obsolescence-short shelf life
-False needs
-Commodity fetishism-advertising conceals the background "history" of products. In other words the context in which a product is produced is kept hidden.
-Barrier created between people/ judged on their outfit not known for their personality
-What is a band? What does it mean? Why do we want to buy it?
-Reification-products are given human associations/products themselves are perceived as sexy, romantic, fun, sophisticated etc.
-E.g Lip gloss-sex, rather than the woman or who she is
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-Frankfurt school (1923)
-"One dimensional man" (1964)-Herbert Maruce

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-Ways of seeing-John Berger
-Advertising encourages the idea that your not worthy or adequate
-Makes us unhappy with who we are/manipulation
-Want products/brands you can't afford/causes feelings of jealousy and envy
-Encouraging consumption
-No morals to advertising
-ad busters
-Victor Burgin "7% of our population own 84% of our wealth"

Lecture 2

Graphic Design: A medium for the masses

-Graphic design versus fine art
-where it originated from
-reproducing fine art for advertisments

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Lecture 1

Modernity/ Modernism

-1760-1960 = Modernism
-Modernize = to improve, positive, progress, forward thinking
-The Hireling Shepherd (1852) - Hunt = Pre Raphaelite/modern not modernist/traditional style work in modern world
-Paris 1900 - most modern city in the world
-Eiffel Tower - Modern materials/new is dominating

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-Rural work to factory work
-Trottoir Roulant (electric moving walkway)
-1912 - world time was standardised

-Paris on a Rainy day (1877)- Caillebotte - modern/cropped/walking down Haussmanns streets
-HAUSSMANNISATION - Haussmann redesigns paris/destroys rundown houses + narrow streets/ large boulevards instead
-Flaneur - Rich people showing off taking in modernity
-Fashion became status symbol/divides class/ wasn't an issue before

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Whole idea of life changes:
-not work dawn till dusk
-shift work = spare time
-not everyone felt happy

-Degas - L'Absinthe - people being left behind by the modern world/life

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-Technology rather than experience things for ourselves
-Manmade replacing natural
-Duchamp - Nude descending staircase - movement