-1760-1960 = Modernism
-Modernize = to improve, positive, progress, forward thinking
-The Hireling Shepherd (1852) - Hunt = Pre Raphaelite/modern not modernist/traditional style work in modern world
-Paris 1900 - most modern city in the world
-Eiffel Tower - Modern materials/new is dominating
-Rural work to factory work
-Trottoir Roulant (electric moving walkway)
-1912 - world time was standardised
-Paris on a Rainy day (1877)- Caillebotte - modern/cropped/walking down Haussmanns streets
-HAUSSMANNISATION - Haussmann redesigns paris/destroys rundown houses + narrow streets/ large boulevards instead
-Flaneur - Rich people showing off taking in modernity
-Fashion became status symbol/divides class/ wasn't an issue before
Whole idea of life changes:
-not work dawn till dusk
-shift work = spare time
-not everyone felt happy
-Degas - L'Absinthe - people being left behind by the modern world/life
-Technology rather than experience things for ourselves
-Manmade replacing natural
-Duchamp - Nude descending staircase - movement
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